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Temperture Controlled Soldering Station 溫控無鉛焊錫對應電烙鐵座 RX-852AS


Temperture Controlled Soldering Station 溫控無鉛焊錫對應電烙鐵座RX-852AS


150W-heater, Tip with integrated heater,
Superior heat recovery (PAT.P)

Anti Static Model

Lead-free Applicable

Perfect for Heavy Load Work
High-Power Model


可由此下載pdf海報 RX_852AS_E.pdf









Excellent heat recovery
Excellent heat recovery is achieved by the combination of a 150w-compacthigh-
output-heater and a high-sensitivity-sensor.
Fastest in its class
Reaches 350 degrees Celsius in 14 seconds. When using the RX-80HRT tip,
350 degrees Celsius is reached in 6 seconds.
Easy-change tip (PAT.P)
Slide–change tip. No tools or heat resistant pads are needed.
Thick iron plating for lead-free soldering
Complete lineup of tips with thick iron plating to prevent erosion.
RX80HRT tips can also be used.
35 different shapes of tips are available, including the 27 optional tips for the
Sleep function (PAT.)
Automatically lowers the tip temperature when inactive for a preset period of
time, preventing any overheating. The preset period of time is user definable.
The shutdown function can also be used at the same time.
Exiting the sleep function (PAT.P)
The sleep function is exited by thermal fluctuation of the tip, for example,
when the tip comes into contact with the cleaner/sponge.

Shutdown function
Automatically switches off when inactive for a preset period of time. The shutdown
function assures that the station is turned off even if you forget to turn
off the power switch. This function can be used in conjunction with the sleep

Keylock function (PAT.)
Keylock by PIN [personal identification number]. No need for tools or cards.






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